Prevent boy

Code DA09
Serie Angels and devils
Size M (4 x 4 x 6-8cm)
Availability Sold out
Price excl. VAT 123,14 CZK (€4,87 | $5,26)
Price incl. VAT 149,00 CZK (€5,89 | $6,36)


Prevent boy.

You wish to avoid disasters, You need a friend who will watch your back.


Prevent boy is little devil who loves to enter the human world and make mischief. He´s even put on a disguise, though You can still see his horns poking out of his wig! Despite his naughty nature, Prevent Boy likes humans and secretly helps his friends ward off all kinds of trouble. Do You have a close friend who, like a little devil, loves to provoke You, but really has your interests at heart? When he´s not looking, check out the top of his head - he might just be a devil!