Success for You

Code GL06
Serie Good luck
Size M (4 x 4 x 6-8cm)
Availability In stock
Price excl. VAT 123,14 CZK (€4,87 | $5,26)
Price incl. VAT 149,00 CZK (€5,89 | $6,36)


Success for you.

You would like more happiness and luck in your life, You would like to be full of good cheer everyday.


Success 4 You doesn't have a care in the world. Just look at his big belly and eternal smile! With his bag of 100 treasures and golden branch with jade leaves, Success 4 U attracts good fortune wherever he goes, much like Japan's lucky God and India's smiling Buddha. It doesn't matter if it´s the tiniest trifle or the biggest catastrophe, Success 4 You can carry them away in his lucky bag. So don't worry anymore Success 4 You will give You the luck to succeed in any endeavour.