King of darkness (K.o.D.)

Code DA08
Serie Angels and devils
Size M (4 x 4 x 6-8cm)
Availability In stock
Price excl. VAT 123,14 CZK (€4,87 | $5,26)
Price incl. VAT 149,00 CZK (€5,89 | $6,36)


King of Darkness - K.o.D.

You long for fame and fortune, your wish is hard to fulfill, your nemesis is tough to beat.


The King of Darkness can put the fear of God into you and yet mesmerize you completely. With the power of K.o.D. you can easily manipulate your nemesis and attack the most vulnerable in human nature. Fame and fortune will soon follow, not to mention power. You'll have it all. K.o.D. possesses incredible evil forces and that makes him the most frightened creature in the underworld. He will not only protect you from all evils but also grant you any wish you have.